Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sign up for the Life, Death and Back Blog Tour!

Life, Death, and Back
I am helping author Cynthia Vespia promote her novel, LIFE, DEATH and BACK.  If you have a Goodreads profile or a Blog you can participate in this tour!  To learn more click on the Blog Tours Tab above or click HERE to sign up for this tour!  By participating you will get a free e-copy of this book for review purposes.  Don't want to review it??  That's okay!  Interview Cynthia or let her be a guest on your blog!  If you host chats with authors contact me and we can see if Cynthia is available!

Thanks for helping!


  1. Great blog!...and interesting book

  2. Thanks! Sign up to read the book if your willing to post a review, interview or guest post on your blog! Click the link above and fill out the form ( :


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I appreciate any comments or feedback! It is great to interact with other book lovers! If you read a book after seeing my review I would love to read your review! Come back and leave me a link ( : Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!