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2012 Reading Challenge
Reading is a personal journey shared by many. No one book affects any two people in exactly the same way. Even the most similar experiences vary in some way or another, because reading is personal. Have you ever heard someone read a book aloud and thought "Wait, that's not what the characters sound like." Have you ever discussed a book with your book club or a friend and had an opposite opinion about a character's looks, personality or intentions? This all happens because reading is personal. As much as an author can guide a character and a story, the reader interprets the characters and story through their eyes, their personality and their outlook on life. This makes each story unique to the reader because its very likely no two people will walk away with a story in the same way.
In celebration of your reading journey, I invite you to join my reading challenge this year. Why? It's fun, I'm working on prizes, you'll share with other readers and most of all, because just like your reading, this is all about you!!
The Challenge: Fulfill all the requirements below. Of course you don't have to fulfill every requirement just to take part, that wouldn't make this fun! If you want to be part of the reading challenge and read whatever you can sign up! I am working on coordinating prizes for this challenge as an incentive for you to finish all the challenges. If you are an author or publisher and are interested in donating a prize please email me. (acozyreaderscorner AT gmail DOT com) Don't forget to link your review or thoughts about each book back to the page in the tab above so we can all be part of your reading journey.
Want to join? Enter on the linky tool provided below. The Linky will close Jan. 31st. After this date leave a comment with your name and blog, website or Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads account etc. Basically let us know where to find you and please leave your email address in the space provided. There is a tab above that will serve as this years link back page. When you complete a challenge go to this page and say which challenge you've completed, what book you read, a link to your review of the book and any other thoughts! Above all... have fun!
The Challenges within the Challenge:
- Read through your first name. For example, if your name is Anna you would read 4 books. Each title would start with each letter of your name starting with A.
- Read your favorite book.
- Read a book by an author new to you.
- Read a book by a debut author
- Read a book by an author with your first, middle OR last name. ::note, not all 3... just one of them to give more selection::
- Read a book whose character's name is your favorite name.
- Read a book by an author you've dismissed in the past. Give them a second chance.
- Read a back listed title by an author you've newly discovered and liked.
- Read a spring, summer, fall and winter book in order of your favorite seasons.
- Read a book that looks inspiring to you.
- Read a book that looks humorous to you.
- Read a book SOLELY because you like the cover.
- Read a book whose cover you hate.
- Read a book recommended to you.
- Read a book written before your birth year.
- Read a book that is as old as you.
- Read a book released in your birth month.
- Read a book set in your state.
- Read a book set in your country.
- Read a book set in a country you'd like to visit.
- Read a book whose title includes your favorite color.
- Read a book whose title includes your favorite food, drink, candy or dessert. (something edible)
- Read a book from your childhood.
- Read a book that reminds you of your favorite person.
- Read a book just because you want too.

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