ISBN: 978-1-56148-688-5
Publisher: Good Books
For Lizzie Glick life is not planned or on a path like her sisters, Emma and Mandy are ready to be married, keep house and have children. They are sure about their beliefs and faith in God. Lizzie's is not sure of her beliefs and faith, nor does she understand what God’s will means or how praying will help her. When Lizzie’s family moves to a new county Lizzie is faced with the process of growing up. In a year she will be sixteen and her “running around” years will begin. Lizzie’s hot temper, stubborn will and doubtful nature will make this time in her life a little harder, but more worthwhile to Lizzie in the end.
Running Around is an Amish coming of age novel that was written based on true experiences from the author. The novel is the first book of it’s’ series and currently there are two more books ready for publication in 2010 and 2011. The novel was one of the best Amish novels I have read in regards to the language use. The author gives a glossary of Amish terms in the back of the novel that I would highly suggest reading before you start. Each term is used constantly throughout the book when it is needed. The reader is not overwhelmed by the language. It is enough to be authentic but not overbearing. Along with the authentic feel of the book due to the language, the reader is enabled to understand the Amish terms without any confusion or frustrations. I have read Amish related novels that switched back and forth between English and Amish terms for the same word, this novel did not do that and I was very glad. Running Around was a quick and easy novel to read and was a wonderful coming of age story. Lizzie is in that awkward stage of life and trying so hard to fit into her family and community. It brought back memories of that time in my life and had me rooting for Lizzie.
I really enjoyed this novel. It was well written and easy to read. I would highly suggest this book to readers ages ten to fifteen. It is definitely a young adult novel. There were a few parts of the book that felt repetitive in nature. The author frequently explained some of Lizzie's doubts and disbeliefs. After a couple of these I was ready to not read it again, because I knew how Lizzie felt seeing nothing had changed the facts. The novel left me interested in what would happen next for Lizzie as not all questions are answered in this book and there is more of the plot to be decided. The books to come will be fun to read as Lizzie's story continues. I would like to read more from Linda Byler, possibly an adult genre.

Reviewed for Bookpleasures

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