About the Book:
Without realizing it, bestselling author Meg Scott, stepped into the life of her
dreams. A new beachfront home on the West Coast; a far cry from her secluded
home shared only with her faithful Irish setter on Martha's Vineyard. A gig
playing violin with a world renowned rock band about to depart on a European
acoustic tour; friends that easily became the family she lost when young. And
upon shaking hands with the band's drummer, Jadon Hastings, love and desire
she'd never known beyond the stories she wrote.
All too often, shadow figures arrive camouflaged as friends, and those who profess love are worse than those that once haunted our childhood nights.
Under a hazy California sun, Meg's dream sits in clear view. To make it her own, she'll have to confront not only her past, but her future. In doing so, she discovers - those you trust - can't always be trusted.
All too often, shadow figures arrive camouflaged as friends, and those who profess love are worse than those that once haunted our childhood nights.
Under a hazy California sun, Meg's dream sits in clear view. To make it her own, she'll have to confront not only her past, but her future. In doing so, she discovers - those you trust - can't always be trusted.
My Thoughts:
A Contented Mind is a love story mixed with rational fear, music and the career of an author. After Meg is attacked in her own home, she moves to a beachfront property in California and keeps a low profile. Meg is an author who writes under a wraps, keeping her identity a secret and with due reason. When Meg meets the band next door, she can't help but fall for the piano man. For most of the novel Meg and Jadon don't realize they live next door to each other. They both have an intense connection through music. Meg who is a talented violinist as well as an author, connects with Jadon and his piano playing. Jadon is pretty much in love with Meg but won't admit it. The story is one of love, fear, hopes and dreams. It analyzes Meg's discomfort after her attack and her path to recovery from the incident as she finds a connection that means more. Overall this was a good debut though parts didn't keep my attention as well as I would have liked. The novel can't really be characterized as a romance because the romance was not always evident. In fact, at times it was surprising that the characters were drawn to each other at all. I chose to rate this one as a recommended read. There are definitely parts that draw you in and the characters are well developed. I would read another book by Samantha Hofman.
About the Author:
Samantha started
writing books as a child. Although those roughly hewed works are kept under lock
and key, they possess the same need to understand life as her current novels. In
the past, Samantha has written numerous columns on health and spirituality for a
local newspaper. Currently, she writes the popular blog: Insanity - A Writer’s
Commentary On All Things, as well as two novels: A Contented Mind, it’s sequel,
Chasing Nirvana, and the children’s chapter book series: Dainty Delaney.
Currently she is at work on her third novel. On May 18th, 2012 Samantha will be
featured in Art & Entertainment section of The Traverse City Record Eagle
Life can get rough
at times, loving oneself shouldn’t be. That, in a nutshell, is the message that
is imbued within the books Samantha writes.
Thanks for being in the tour!