Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Interview with Paula Wiseman & Giveaway

Please tell me 5 things about you.
  1. I am totally left-handed.
  2. I am a nerd through and through.
  3. I hate bananas. (I'm pretty sure that's the fruit from the Garden of Eden. They are obviously cursed.)
  4. I am afraid of spiders.
  5. I love football and basketball- especially my Kentucky Wildcats

What are 3 unique aspects about Contingency?
  1. First of all, the couple stays together after infidelity and works to save the marriage. Most books seem to pick up after the split.
  2. Rather than having a clear-cut protagonist and antagonist, it's structured more as a parallel her story/his story. The audiobook used dual narrators to highlight that.
  3. My heroine, Bobbi, is a huge fan of international coffees. I don't drink coffee- never have.
Name 5 things you wished you knew about publishing.
  1. How to proofread and edit. My editing is improving. My proofreading, not so much. (See embarrassing moment below.)
  2. Better marketing skills. Definitely not my strength.
  3. How to balance seizing opportunities with patience.
  4. How to resist define success by an abstract number.
  5. How to explain it in just a few words. :-)
Name 3 things on your bucket list.
  1. Traveling to Australia
  2. Standing beside my husband when he meets Ravi Zacharias
  3. Running a 5M or a 10K race
What are your top 5 favorite books?
Gosh... what 5 did I most recently read? That's a bad answer, but here's what I've read recently that I really liked. (Not counting the Bible...)
  1. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  2. The Giver by Lois Lowry
  3. Belle Prater's Boy by Ruth White
  4. Paris 1919 by Margaret MacMillan (I told you I was a nerd)
  5. Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges

Name 3 things that help you gain inspiration for writing.

  1. I get great inspiration from Scripture, and from the people in the Biblical stories.
  2. I have a great friend who listens to me bounce ideas her way and she bats them right back at me.
  3. I also enjoy reading non-fiction about how people respond to life's challenges.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you as an author?

The news reported on a major award winner and my teenage daughter commented, "Why did he win? All he did was write a book! Any idiot can write a book!" Then we made eye contact.
What's the most embarrassing author moment you've had?

Yikes- it just happened! I found a typo in my latest book after my author copy was on its way. The sad thing is that I put it in there during my final review after the proofreaders and editors had been through it.

Do you write based on past experiences or inspired thoughts?

I don't overtly write from past experience, so I guess that leaves inspired thoughts. Generally, I write from a plot overview kind of outline which leaves plenty of room for inspiration. I love it when scenes fall into place in ways I didn't anticipate.

If you were stranded on an island and could magically name 2 people, 3 things and 1 book you could have to have with you who/what would they be?

I am not one for being stranded, so I would want the people and items necessary to get me off said island in the quickest, easiest fashion. So violating the spirit of the question, I would want my husband, so he couldn't tease me later about getting into that situation, and and skilled sea captain. We would need a nice, fast sailing vessel, and radio, plus a digital camera so I could post the photos later. Finally, while I would only be there long enough to read my current book, it would be useless, because I would be seasick.

Do you have another title in the works?

Always. Indemnity and Precedent are the follow-up stories for Contingency. Then post-Bobbi & Chuck, I have several directions I'm testing.

What is your favorite season?

Fall. I love the cooler weather, the bright sunshine and blue skies... and football.

Your dream vacation would be?

I'd like to go back to Hawaii. We honeymooned there, but I'd like to share it with my kids.

Best childhood memory?
We lived at the city pool in the summers when I was growing up. Even now, when I hear songs from those years, I can smell chlorine.

If you were given the chance to do any one thing over again, what would you do over?

I wouldn't have put off getting married for so long. If I knew then what I knew now, we'd have been at the courthouse the day after my husband asked me to marry him.
If you were given the chance to re-live any one moment, what would it be?

The most precious moment (so far) has been looking in my newborn's face the first time.

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

A break from school. My oldest is homeschooled, and I'm anxious to read books from MY stack instead of the school stack.

About Paula Wiseman:

After working several years as research chemist, Paula Wiseman was blessed with the opportunity to stay home with her children and follow the writer’s path. She has been published in several Cup of Comfort devotional books and in Life Savors for Women. Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series, her debut novel, spent time on the Christian Fiction bestsellers list, and was also the #1 Hot New Release in Christian Fiction. Indemnity is her second novel. Paula blogs on matters of life and faith at

Buy the Book: Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series

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  1. I thoroughly enjoyed being your guest today! Thank you for the terrific interview!


  2. Great interview. Thanks for the giveaway.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  3. Loved the interview. I thought it was fun AND interesting. :)

    <3's and Fangs,

  4. Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway (:


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