Please tell me a little about yourself. When did you know you wanted to become a writer?
Certainly not in my early years, or during high school English classes studying “great literature.” Even all the way through college, majoring in Physics and Math, I had no idea that writing was in my future. The only “F” I ever received in my life was on my first paper for a “Creative Writing” class during my senior year of college. That should give you some idea of my innate “talent.” I didn’t have much!
But the Lord was taking serious hold of my life during those years. One of the results became a passion to communicate his truths. I didn’t necessarily think of doing that through writing at first. But as I began to read more and as Christian books became part of my reading diet, and as C.S. Lewis’s influence in my life deepened, I began to see the power of the written word, both through fiction and non-fiction.
That’s when I began to think seriously about writing books. I also began to lament having majored in Physics rather than something that would have prepared me more adequately for a career in writing. So I basically had to learn the craft from the ground up.
Don't forget to stop by tomorrow and find out a little more about Micheal and his recent release "Angel Harp".
I think your idea of hosting 1 question a day is a great one. I am more likely to read those posts than one looong one. Although I may be interested in an author, long interview posts are intimidating and I don't bother.
Yeah, you never even know that you wanted to become a writer until you actually ARE one without even noticing. That's what happened to me. Great idea of hosting one question a day. I'll have to stay posted for the rest.