Publisher: EME Press
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The Peacemaker Parent is a self-help guide for parents of children ages 2-12. The goal of this book is for parents to learn simple steps and tactics that will enable them to empower their children as well as themselves to peaceful approaches in regards to their daily life activities without the stress of nagging and complaining. By enabling ourselves as well as our children to do this, we can watch them develop an independent and reliable nature with skills they will use for the rest of their lives. As parents we are then able to enjoy parenting without heaps of stress and loads of aggravation. After all, everyone wants a fun and happy family. The book intends to help fill in the gray areas by helping parents and children to better understand each other.
Written by behavioral specialist, life coach, and mom Lorraine Esposito, The Peacemaker Parent is her self discovery of methods found through trial and error and documented through journals, helping to fill in the gray areas or areas left out by experts’ advice in other parenting books. The author uses many quotes to help bring a variety to the text and sometimes comic relief. The book focuses on teaching lessons of accountability, responsibility, self control and problem solving along with methods of positive reinforcement during negative situations. The author shares the idea that with each lesson or statement we send our child a message. The goal is to clearly communicate the message in a positive manner without frustrating yourself and your child, therefore blocking receptiveness to the message. One of my favorite quotes in the book says “Knowledge without experience is just speculation; wisdom is the result of practicing what you learn.” I felt this quote really summed up a lot of what the author was trying to help the reader understand.
The author gives many examples and ways to help your children learn basic life lessons and foundations through a morning routine. She believes a day that starts off happy and peaceful can stay happy and peaceful. She covers the topics of setting objectives, thinking and planning in advance and follow through. She makes some good points about figuring out what aspects are most important in your daily routine and what can be missed occasionally without a negative outcome. She also mentions thinking and planning in advance which I personally feel is a great source of positive help with parenting as last minute rushing can be very stressful. The added stress and pressure can cause everyone to function without peaceful tactics. The book takes a realistic look at family roles and parenting roles that change as our children grow, learn and are able to be more independent and self reliable. It helps parents enable themselves to slowly let go with each new phase so that our children can be proud of their accomplishments.
The book really focuses on morning routines and setting the pace of your day by having a right start. This makes a great book for parents who have children in school or daycare, but not necessarily wonderful for stay at home moms. I personally found this book helpful with tips that enabled me to think basic yet outside the box; however it wasn’t what I was expecting. As a stay at home mom with two young children I was not looking for a morning routine book as we already have an established routine. I was hoping to find some new ideas that involved peacefully resolving conflict between parent and child, siblings and friends. I was looking for new and fresh ideas for tactics to avoid arguments and fighting. While the book gave me some great ideas for the future and dealing with school preparation, I didn’t find it helpful in the areas I thought I might. I also didn’t feel the layout was reader friendly and would have liked to see the book broken down into more chapters that are to the point rather than embellished and lengthy. I would suggest this book to parents as one of your guides in parenting, especially if you need a morning routine established. It has many useful tips and suggestions as well as practical methods to help simplify the morning chaos.

Reviewed for Bookpleasures

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