Publisher: Creative Minds Publications
ISBN: 0-9769737-0-7
Amy has lived on five of the seven continents and in this book, introduces children to each of the seven continents that make up our world. Amy gives insight through the eyes of a child and makes geography interesting and fun! The continents are discussed in regards to topics such as, who lives on the continent, what animals may be found there, what language is spoken and what is interesting or unique about the continent. Below is what my four year old daughter had to say about the book.
“It was super fun! The whole thing. I wish I would live in Australia, where you might see a kangaroo! I liked the game. I told mommy what was above or below, left and right on the map with the places. I want to send it to the other kids; well I’m going to keep it. Maybe they can get their own.”
I really enjoyed seeing my daughter enjoy this book! It was great to see her thoughts of sharing the book with others, as long as they didn’t take her copy because she isn’t willing to part with it! Amy’s Travels comes complete with a map of the continents along with a lesson plan guide for each elementary level, kindergarten through fifth grade. The lesson plans are wonderfully intuitive. I doubted that my daughter, who is only in pre-school, would want to participate in the “school” part of this book. I was pleasantly surprised to see that she not only wanted to participate, she enjoyed it! She has asked to play the game as well as quizzed me on my knowledge, in the car, in McDonalds and in many other places where we are able to talk and communicate but are not able to run around or be wild. This really excited me and gave me an additional appreciation for Amy’s Travels.
Overall, the book is wonderful for kids of all ages. I would highly suggest the book to parents and elementary school teachers. The book would be wonderful for use in the classroom as well as a fun learning tool at home. It has a unique edge because it is written to children from a child’s perspective, which I feel disguises the learning aspect of the book. The author, who is currently working on her masters to become a reading specialist, proves she is capable and reading to do the job. She did a wonderful job with this book and I cannot recommend it enough.
Reviewed for Bookpleasures

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